Thursday, April 28

journey to west coast with love...

"There are two things in life that motivate you, the fear of pain and the desire for pleasure..."

3D2N trip with lots of fun and awesome view
met senior from different year..
enjoy every moment 2gther with my friends

Sometimes it's better when things aren't least then you know that they're real
and KNOW each other more than b4..
spent 10hours of bus journey with slept, talk , sing and gosip..wahahahah...
enjoy the food cook by 29 of us..
last visit in west coast-> national park with KFC..

happy with my choice to go west coast...
ITs FANTASTIC easter holiday... :)

"There is a choice you make in everything you do. In the end, the choice you make, makes you."

Have to stay stronger AGAIN and AGAIN....

"I would rather have ONE person who loves me with ALL their heart than a million people who just ACT like they do!"
"Hope is wishing something will happen. Faith is believing it will happen <3<3"

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