Thursday, November 8


one day gone,
suppose to write it yesterday night..
luckily someone came and cool down my anger....

time to write in english since long time ago,
today not going to say it out in whole story...
might be just a shallow cover?

a babe girl grow up in a small family,
stay with parents, a brother n a sister..
she was almost die of some diseases,

after an escape from the tragedy,
she became more dependent and more determinant,
more lovely and love her family...
family members also more care about this little girl..

she start learn to stay with her parent away from house with her brother n sister
every year till now..
she is not a tough girl may be parents too care and love her,
cannot even get hurt by a bee or bite by mosquito..

so now she not even can get hurt by someone words or actions
she is so sensitive but she have a strong face that no one know..

please dun judge a book from is cover ya..

Saturday, November 3


不知明的男人 不要以为你很了解我 告诉你 你只知道少过十巴仙 不要装懂, 我没兴趣知道你的事情 我说的也只是瞎猜, 不要以为我在观察你, 你没那么有本事 我不想有更多的话题, 不想回答你无知的问题 每当你要问我之前, 你可以问问自己 你有什么资格吗 你无权干涉我的生活 活在一个没有自由的空间 我真的累了。。。 男人们,把我放开好吗? 给我空间喘喘气吧!! 你不累, 我倒累。。。